Sign up committee

Great that you want to register for a committee of Study Association Planck. For more information about the different committees, look here . As a committee member, you commit yourself to your association and learn to develop yourself in different areas. As a committee member, you get the following in return:

  • 70 free hours per year (so 35 hours per semester)
  • Development of the competencies (AS)
  • Building a network with your fellow students (and future colleagues)
  • A fun committee members’ outing is organized
  • Attendance to a General Members Meeting to give your opinion and vote
  • A plus to be able to hold a position within the board

To become a committee member, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a member of Study Association Planck
  • Be a student of TNW (or alumni of TNW)

Register below:



I would like to receive a birthday card and hereby give permission to use my date of birth and address from the membership administration for this purpose.(required)

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